Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hello Everyone
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We sure did! We had the opportunity to go to Mansfield Ohio for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time with Jenny's family and many of our Ohio friends. Jayla got to meet some of her cousins for the first time and loved all the attention!!
Josh is one week away from finishing this semester and busy preparing for his finals. Jayla just turned 6 months. She is becoming more and more fun the older she gets. She sitting up, playing with toys, constantly talking and smiling at anyone that comes near. She has been such a joy.
We are looking forward to going to North Carolina for Christmas to spend time with Josh's family. Jenny's was very fortunate to be able to get off work for both holidays this year so we are making the most of it.
If you think of it we could use your prayers for future direction after Josh's graduates from seminary next year. We are open to wherever and with whoever that God can use us.
Love you all!!

Jayla all bundled up

Now that Jayla is 6 months we started her on baby food.
She loves sweet potatoes so far.

Finding a Christmas tree in freezing Ohio with the Wagners

Jayla playing with her Aunt Lindsay doggy.
Just her size.


Our little pilgrim baby