Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Lone Star State

Well there's is no more talking about coming to Texas....were here!! Josh and I left Ohio on August 3rd and drove a 16' Penske moving truck (well Josh drove :) 18 hours down the road to our new home in Texas. We had a warm southern welcome from his Uncle Terry and Aunt Nina who live in Tyler, Texas. They opened their home up to us so we could get some rest and some good cooking before moving into Swiss Tower Apartments at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Uncle Terry flew us around Tyler in his plane

Moving in was very quick with Josh's aunt, uncle ,cousin and several hall neighbors volunteering their help. Here are a few pics of our new place.

Living Room

Our Bedroom


Josh's Study

View from our window of our apartment pool

New Address
3900 Swiss Ave. Apt 316
Dallas, TX 75204

Since we have been here we have had a great time meeting people, discovering the huge city of Dallas and going on "Josh and Jenny Adventures". We are very blessed with a swimming pool right outside our building that we have spent countless hours playing pool volleyball. There is a trail just miles down the road where we can do a 9 mile bike ride around a lake. This past Tuesday we went about an hour west to Mineral Wells state park where there is rock climbing and a huge lake to swim in. As you can tell we have had a great time with our couple weeks off, but are also very excited about starting work and classes. Reality's about to hit this upcoming Monday when I start work at Baylor Hospital and Josh's classes will start the following week.
Here's are a few pictures from Rock Climbing.....

The largest centipede we have ever seen. (They don't have bugs like this in Ohio)