Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Road Trip To Colorado

During Josh's Fall break we had the opportunity to take a trip up to the beautiful state of Colorado. We stayed with a couple of Josh's old college buddies who are now living in Denver. We were not only blessed by spending time with his great friends, but also had the opportunity to go skiing at Loveland Ski Resort and hike in Estes park. While in Estes Park we stayed at Ravencrest Bible School, a 1 year Bible school type getaway, way up in the mountains. Here are a few pics from the trip.

Hiking in the mountains at Estes Park
Josh and I wore ourselves out with a 12 mile hike through the mountains.

Ravencrest Chalet (Our friend, Josh Grund and his girlfriend, Anna, met us in Estes park and stayed the night with us)

The top of the mountain after riding up extremely rugged trails in Josh's Forerunner.

No better place to be then in the mountains :)

"The Crack"
Josh Grund showed us the way through a tightly fitted route in a mountain crack.

Sitting on Darren's (his college buddy we stayed with) porch swing

Skiing at Loveland
Darren, Cory and Josh

Cory and Josh

A few weeks prior to Colorado, Josh and I were invited to a Dallas Mavs game. It was a blast even though they lost to Houston.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Jenny's 25th Birthday!!

This year for my 25th birthday, Josh planned a party for my at Billy Bob's, the world largest "Honky Tonk". Don't worry I didn't know what that meant either. It was a huge club with lots of line dancing and country western music. We put on our cowboy boots and went with a group of friends for some Texas three step lessons, a good southern meal (good enough to clog your arteries after a few servings), and some line dancing. We all had a great time dancing and seeing the "goofier" side of each other!! :)

Texas Three Step

Friends from DTS

Claire, Alissa, Jenny and Macy

Blowing out my Birthday candles!

Trying to laugh without showing our teethJosh after eating "Real" Texas food

On the actual day of my birthday Josh took me out to the Cheesecake Factory for a wonderful birthday meal. We had a great time reminising about our last couple of years being together.

We then came back and celebrated in our apartment with the fun birthday decorations that my sister Lindsay sent us and opened presents.

I wanted to thank everyone so much for the nice cards and gifts that were sent. Even though we couldn't celebrate with you, you definitely brought warmth and love to our home with all your encouraging words. Josh and I both feel so blessed to have you all in our lives.


Josh and Jenny

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Lone Star State

Well there's is no more talking about coming to Texas....were here!! Josh and I left Ohio on August 3rd and drove a 16' Penske moving truck (well Josh drove :) 18 hours down the road to our new home in Texas. We had a warm southern welcome from his Uncle Terry and Aunt Nina who live in Tyler, Texas. They opened their home up to us so we could get some rest and some good cooking before moving into Swiss Tower Apartments at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Uncle Terry flew us around Tyler in his plane

Moving in was very quick with Josh's aunt, uncle ,cousin and several hall neighbors volunteering their help. Here are a few pics of our new place.

Living Room

Our Bedroom


Josh's Study

View from our window of our apartment pool

New Address
3900 Swiss Ave. Apt 316
Dallas, TX 75204

Since we have been here we have had a great time meeting people, discovering the huge city of Dallas and going on "Josh and Jenny Adventures". We are very blessed with a swimming pool right outside our building that we have spent countless hours playing pool volleyball. There is a trail just miles down the road where we can do a 9 mile bike ride around a lake. This past Tuesday we went about an hour west to Mineral Wells state park where there is rock climbing and a huge lake to swim in. As you can tell we have had a great time with our couple weeks off, but are also very excited about starting work and classes. Reality's about to hit this upcoming Monday when I start work at Baylor Hospital and Josh's classes will start the following week.
Here's are a few pictures from Rock Climbing.....

The largest centipede we have ever seen. (They don't have bugs like this in Ohio)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Trip to North Carolina

During the first week of June, Josh and I went down to North Carolina to celebrate his youngest sister, Mandi, High School Graduation. We were able to attend her high school ceremony, which she was the salutatorian, and help with her graduation party. We then went down to the Outer Banks and stayed at a beach house on Emerald Isle. We had a great time with Josh's family and enjoyed the beach, some sand volleyball, kayaking on the sound and attempting to surf. :)

We went to an aquarium that had about every kind of salt and fresh water animal.
Josh got a little to close to the alligator.

We got to spend time with our little nephew Holden!!

We made an Elephant in the sand

We went to an aquarium which had salt and fresh water sea animals. We even got to touch sting rays!! (I didn't like that so much!)
We had a family triathalon where Mandi, Amanda (Mandi's friend) and I raced Josh, Robin and David (his parents) in a bike, kayak, and swim competition. It was a lot of fun and a close competition!!
Josh, Mandi and Brooke (his oldest sister) at Mandi's Graduation Ceremony
Josh and I trying out surfing

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Trip to Texas

Well Josh and I are now counting down two months before we move to Texas. Time is flying and we are trying to make every minute count. God has been so faithful and has made the details of preparing to move seem so easy. :) Just last week Josh and I took a trip down to Dallas to visit Dallas Theological Seminary, where he will be attending in the fall. We were able to visit the campus, see where we are going to live, and hang out with some amazing family members. The campus is in downtown Dallas, walking distance from skyscrapers, so the living environment will be completely different than what were used to. Fortunately in our free time Josh and I were able to scout out a few parks where we will be able to do some mountain biking and hiking. I had a couple job interviews at Baylor Hospital. Thanks to God's goodness, I was offered both jobs that I interviewed for and I ended up picking a Medical Cardiac Telemetry floor.

We also are very fortunate to have family members in Fort Worth, TX (less than an hour away). This past week Josh's Aunt Jill and Uncle Paul graciously opened their home up to us to stay a couple nights. We were able to swim in their pool and ride their horses with their daughter Cristan. We felt like we got a good taste of Southern hospitality!!

Josh's Uncle Terry and Aunt Nina who drove from Tyler TX to visit us
Riding Cristan's Horses

On May 1st, we had a new little girl join the family. (Don't worry she isn't mine) My sister Katie had a baby girl that they named Lyla Ann Wagner.

Baby Lyla in her first hour

Wagner Family

Lyla when she is 3 weeks old

Violet and Lyla

Thursday, March 27, 2008

One Year Anniversay

Well Josh and I have made it one whole year together already!! We just celebrated our one year anniversary on March 17. To celebrate our anniversary we decided to go north to Niagara Falls. We stayed on the Canadian side and enjoyed a relaxing weekend viewing the falls right outside our hotel. Here our a few pics of our trip.

A Rainbow from the sun light and the mist

Falls light show

Watching a 3-D Movie

Guinness Book of World Records Museum
World's heaviest person

Josh sitting in the world's tallest man's chair