Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Trip to North Carolina

During the first week of June, Josh and I went down to North Carolina to celebrate his youngest sister, Mandi, High School Graduation. We were able to attend her high school ceremony, which she was the salutatorian, and help with her graduation party. We then went down to the Outer Banks and stayed at a beach house on Emerald Isle. We had a great time with Josh's family and enjoyed the beach, some sand volleyball, kayaking on the sound and attempting to surf. :)

We went to an aquarium that had about every kind of salt and fresh water animal.
Josh got a little to close to the alligator.

We got to spend time with our little nephew Holden!!

We made an Elephant in the sand

We went to an aquarium which had salt and fresh water sea animals. We even got to touch sting rays!! (I didn't like that so much!)
We had a family triathalon where Mandi, Amanda (Mandi's friend) and I raced Josh, Robin and David (his parents) in a bike, kayak, and swim competition. It was a lot of fun and a close competition!!
Josh, Mandi and Brooke (his oldest sister) at Mandi's Graduation Ceremony
Josh and I trying out surfing